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Savannah Restaurants For Sale

Diner/Restaurant For Sale in Savannah, GA

Diner/Restaurant For Sale in Savannah, GA
This Listing is Expired

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Travel back through the years to this old-timey - but handsomely profitable diner in beautiful and historic Savannah, Georgia.

This very busy location (65 - 70,000 cars per day) on US Hwy. 204; it is only two blocks to large mall;  Hunter Army Airfield base is nearby, as well as a large medical complex.

Tourism is a key component of the Savannah economy: Interstate 95 passes nearby and there are 15 motels in the vicinity - all with hungry guests.

Many “destination” restaurants have opened in the immediate area: Outback, Chili’s, Carrabas. Obviously, their professional studies have confirmed that this is an excellent strategic location. In fact, this site has continuously hosted a restaurant for almost 40 years.

Open 24/7/365, breakfast (served all day) is huge business for “The Diner”.  Despite the hectic never-ending pace, the owners have experienced little staff turnover and have good shift management in place.

Operationally, all the key financial performance parameters are right where they should be. The “Owners’ Benefit” numbers are strong and the list price is attractive by the norms found in the restaurant industry.

The Savannah - Hilton Head area itself is simply fun and fabulous. It was the beautiful stage for the “Forrest Gump” movie and is internationally famous, drawing affluent visitors from around the globe year after year.

The Diner has its own low-key “cachet” and is the only one of its kind in the entire area.

Please visit our website at sellingrestaurants dot com to get more information including the location of this business. 

This is a Rob Tade-Broker listing.
Broker of Record Rob Tade DRE License #01339409


Savannah Restaurants For Sale
Lease Term:
7.5 years + 5 + 5
Total Monthly Rent:


Last Year's Food Cost %:
Last Year's Payroll Cost %:
Last Year's Rent %:


Liquor License:
# of Full-Time Employees:
# of Part-Time Employees:
Hours Open:
Year Established:
Hood System Type 1:
Hood System Type 2:


Indoor Seating:
# of Parking Spots:
Inside Sq. Ft.:


  • Diner
  • American
  • retro
  • traditional
  • Savannah
  • profitable
  • busy
  • classic


Will SBA Finance:
Will Seller Lend To Buyer:


Population 5-mi
2014 Total Population 0
Households 5-mi
2010 Number Of Households 0
2010 Persons Per Household
Median House Value $0
Income Per Household $0
Businesses 5-mi
2009 Number Of Businesses 0
2012 Number Of Employees 0
2012 Total Annual Payroll $0

click for more demographic info


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